Welcome to Loose Petals 2014 Launch! November 19 2014, 0 Comments

Over the past few year our city prints from around the world have been celebrated.  To keep the momentum going we just launched our new store just in time for holidays.

Our blog, however is brand new and we opened it to share fun information on cool places we've created for you and offer how to do it ideas that we think you'll enjoy.  If you have any questions

or comments please feel free to keep in touch.  This is a sample of blogs lined up this December.  We hope this helps selecting the perfect frame.
Picking the Perfect Frame

Picking the perfect picture frame to compliment your art may seem like a daunting task. What looks best? Do these colors match? How can I choose the best frame to go along with this piece? So many questions. A few tips will help you to skip the confusion and pick out the best frame for you.

* Always remember to measure the size of your picture. Don’t forget to include any borders that may be surrounding your art piece as well.

* Pick out a matting color that you think looks the best with your picture. The matting is the area that surrounds a picture when it is in a frame and it should always be two or three inches larger than the picture itself for basic framing.

* When picking out a color for the mat there are a few things to keep in mind. Focus on the color scheme in the picture instead of trying to match the room itself. The mat should go well with the art that you are trying to display and that is what you should be focusing on. Look at the elements in the    pictures that you want to be most noticeable and pick out a mat that properly executes that. Try to stick to neutral color tones that will not overpower your piece.

* Next, choose the right size frame. Picking a frame that is too thick for the size of your print may end up overpowering it so always be sure to keep scale in mind.

* To get the measurements right when purchasing a frame do not forget to include the mat in your order, our art work are standard sizes.

* Another very important factor to keep in mind is to take your time choosing the right style and effect that you want to achieve. Contemporary prints usually go well with sleek style frames while older pieces can handle strong bold frames and shapes. This is the most important factor to consider while       choosing how you want to stylize the print and your room.

* Try as many samples as you want to double check color and finishes until you are truly happy with how your piece looks.

http://www.howcast.com/videos/218162-How-to-Choose-the-Right-Frame-for-a-Picture http://www.americanframe.com/select-a-picture-frame-for-your-picture.aspx